Be A Blessing Buffalo
Providing gifts and support to families facing job loss, terminal illness, homelessness, and other life-altering situations.
Buffalo Holiday Market at The Richardson
Be a Blessing Buffalo will have a chalet at the Buffalo Holiday Market where you can learn about us, donate, and write a letter to the North Pole & Santa with your wish list.
Click Here For Details

Our organization was created in honor of our father, John Tolley, who passed unexpectedly in June of 2019. Our father always believed that as a society, we are losing the actual importance of the holiday season by focusing on only the commercial aspect of it all. During our last Christmas spent together, we as a family adopted a family in need, providing food and gifts so they could enjoy Christmas with the same joy we have been fortunate enough to have. To honor my father’s love for God and the importance of giving back to those in need that he instilled in all of us, we decided to keep this tradition alive and restore the true meaning of Christmas.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring gifts to families who have lost their jobs, are struggling to provide for their family, are fighting terminal illness, shut-in seniors, runaway teens, or those affected by tragedy, life-altering situations, or homelessness. These individuals are a part of our community, and we strongly believe in coming together to help those in need.

Our Process

To date, we have helped: During the past four holiday seasons, we have had the opportunity to help over 2,100 children, and also 700 homeless men and women.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

To date, we have helped 2,100 children and 700 homeless men & women

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